Wednesday, September 24, 2008


After reading everyone elses blogs, I felt that I should write my own.
I have often struggled being happy in the past. I need to be surrounded by people, but through this summer and this school year I have found a way to enjoy the time I have with myself. This time, I have slowly begun to realize, reminds me of the things bigger than myself, and it also lets me really understand where I am going with my studies. It sounds very self centered, but I love the quiet and peace I get. My roommate and I have found a way to bond weekly (we read postsecret on Sunday together. Thanks Aubs)
The other interesting thing about being back in California is that I am finally starting to appreciate my family. It sounds silly, for it to take so long to notice and deeply care for the people who have always been there for you, but I have just found this deep feeling and I am so grateful.
Other than that, classes are good. I love my bioethics class, and, as crazy as it sounds, Organic Chemistry class. I have two jobs, and both of them are going splendidly. Once I finally heal from my ankle sprain at sectionals, I can start playing disc again. But until then, I will continue to reflect, and think of the people who have helped me and define me in my life. Love to all those who fit that category, and love to all those who will.


Blogger Kate said...

I love YOU! i tired to comment on here yesterday but it wouldnt let me, but MUAH! love ya sister!!!!!

5:23 PM  

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