Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And so it goes...

School down here has kept on going and meeting people has become easier. I have made enough friends that I no longer eat meals alone (except breakfast but that has more to do with the fact that I have to eat at 7:30am) Unforetunelty, I still find my classes incredily dull except math, which I can't understand at the moment and even managed to confuse a tutor today...Other than that I have added two classes to my schedule that already has 18 credits. True neither one of my new classes is for credit but it puts me in class for at least 8 hours Monday through Thursday. It isn't as bad as it sounds. I have also come up with a workout regime that keeps me up til midnight. It sounds busy, but I am grateful for it. I like being on my toes.
So one of my new "classes" is a research lab of my professors that looks at the promoters in VEGF in pancreatic cancer that means I will be attempting to change and mutate some DNA to find the correct, if there is a correct CAGA sequence. It is really intense, and I think I am the only freshman but I am super excited. Also if you don't understand what I said, that is fine, I don't know if I completely understand.
Pick up is going well and my roommates are fine, but I am missing everyone and hoping that everyone starting school right now is enjoying it and makes the most of it. As to everyone else that is already in school, keep enjoying it! Love you all.


Blogger Kate said...

I had my first class today. psychology. and i freaking loved it!!! it was amazing! i am in love with it and i am really interested in the topic and its my first psy class ever. the teacher is really nice. she is sort of like an IHS teacher and im just really glad it went so well. it takes me 15 minutes to walk there every morning for an 8am start so i have to be up early every day but it will be good for me i think. lol LOVE YOU!

9:56 AM  
Blogger julia said...

have you read Slaughter House Five?

9:00 PM  

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