Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Beauty and Boyfriends

I don't know who wrote the rules, but I am going to shoot them. Today was awful. It started out okay, only to go vastly downhill. I was doing okay until I got my math test, which sucked, my SAT scores, which I am not happy with, and decided to talk to Ben. The conversation started a week ago, when on the phone he told me I needed a boyfriend. I instantly asked why. His reply was "just cause, I mean, you're decent looking." Confused at his comment (what does decent mean???) I let it go, not worrying about it. Then from a trusted friend I heard that decent generally means that it isn't painful to look at you, but you are no pretty thing either. I was hurt, no one wants their friends telling them that they are half a step above ugly...Anyways, today Ben once again went in to the "You need a boyfriend" and suddenly I felt attacked. Was I not good enough or worthy of consideration without a boyfriend? I was ticked. If he had such a problem with it, why doesn't he fix the problem himself??? Not that I want that. I just want to be thought of as a person reguardless of whether I have a boyfriend or not. I just think that it is unfair and cruel to make me feel like a piece of crap becuase guys think that only girls that are hooked up are worth the space they take up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

autumn u r not ugly!!! u r frekin' gorgeous and if this guy can't see that his a bumb and u deserve better!! u rock hun. stay strong!!

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would just like to add that I don't think that only girls that are hooked up are worth the space they take up. Maybe a few guys opperate this way or maybe a lot, but there are plenty that aren't perverted, rude, etc. Boyfriend, smoyfriend, you don't need one. There not that cool.

Don't be concerned at all with Ben's words, he is just being a jerk, which he is quite good at.

p.s. I am sure your SAT was much higher than mine anyway.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

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7:56 PM  

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