Thursday, April 06, 2006


I probably shouldn't be posting this, I probably shouldn't even be thinking/sharing thoughts like this. But I am, becuase it is better than the other two ideas in my head that consist of finding some sharp object to play slice and dice with my hands or never moving out of my bed again. So, deep breath, here it goes.
I am tired. Physically, mentally, emotionly. I am tired of so many things at once. I suppose the best idea is just to list why I am tired.
1. I am tired of teachers who make me feel like an idiot.
2. I am tired of getting lectures of how I need to be "more on top of things"
3. I am tired of having to explain my feelings to adults after being backed into a corner with no place to go.
4. I am tired of hearing how beautiful Aubri is from my guys friends because
a. I am quite aware of it.
b. It makes situations akward with them.
c. In a stupid way, it hurts my feelings.
5. I am tired of being picked on by my middle schoolers.
6. I am tired of being beat up by my middle schoolers.
7. I am tired of being personally responsible for all the middle schoolers skills and attitudes, even if it is in a joking way.
8. I am tired of being sick.
9. I am tired of feeling uncomfortable with myself and friends.
10. I am tired of hearing about worlds.
11. I am tired of my mom's wierd boyfriend making me feel like a piece of crap.
12. I am tired of having to be my own parent.
13. I am tired of thinking that my dad is dead.
14. I am tired of thinking Ultimate Frisbee coaching and playing.
15. I am tired of being fat and ugly.
16. I am tired of sleeping.
17. I am tired of going to school.
18. I am tired of teachers just saying that everything is my fault and I deserve it. (Although if anyone has any light on this one, please let me know how I "deserve" it.)
19. I am tired of not being strong enough.
20. I am tired of having to worry about pissing Aubri off everytime I speak to her.
21. I am tired of everything, all things but mainly life.
Sometimes I just wish that someone would take care of me. I wish that I didn't have to figure out all the details. I wish that my frisbee coach would say, "hey great job, you are going to make us proud at Worlds" instead of "you dropped three, Julia hand blocked you, your not running fast enough, and it is mostly your fault if we don't win this game." I guess the real problem is that I am struggling with myself. Who I am is no longer clear. I am not the same girl as two months ago. That girl had a father, World try outs and a sister down in California. This girl, who I am now, is taking charge of two frisbee teams (with Aubri's emensly appriciated help) helping with fundraisers, getting yelled at by teachers, has fallen behind in class (something that had never happened until my dad died) and is taking 9 classes. Sometimes, I think that being a non moving plankton in my bed for a week is the best idea I have ever had. Too bad it would never work. Well I think that that is enough depressment for one night. I don't have any good words of wisdom sorry.


Blogger yeon said...

Wow, you scared me. Please dont say that, slice and dice with my hands. It is a scary thing, dont say it! And also, Im sorry your tired. Im sorry it took so long to comment this. Your a great person. Love life, love yourself, love school, ( stay in school,), love Ultimate, <<< (i mean continue too,) love Aubri, and most of all,


10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

autumn ok i gotta slow down because i'm sitting in the library right now crying. hold on getting a tissue a blanket................................. ok its all good. yeah so yeon is right love yourself and love aubry, who is beautiful but so are you i don't get why you don't beleive it isn't peter screaming at you that you are sexy enough? and i have to say that even if julia did hand block you you scare the crap out of her every other time so yeah ur kool. but i just wanted to tell you that i appreciate you and love you and want you to be happy, you are the best coach i've ever had and a really good friend, let other people help you out when you need it we want to it won't kill us i promise. you are super sexy, a really good, smart, productive,loveable, wanted person.

love me

2:11 PM  

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