Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week One

As I sit at my computer reading so many people's words of wisdom on how they are dealing with life, love and loss, I sometimes begin to wonder if I am in the right place, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like I am. I suppose I should give a full update.
Chapman University is very different from what I am used to. Everything on campus is close and the people all seem to have come into their own pre-supplied group of friends. It is hard to break down those walls, but the more I look around the more I realize how kind everyone is. My dorm is much bigger than I thought it would be with three girls in it, although I must admit that it helps that we have a walk in closet. More so than that, I can not believe how much stuff six girls could fit into one bathroom. It is ridiculous! Other than that things are well. My roommates are nice, but not what I am used to. I suppose it comes from having so many guy friends, Sarah H, Sarah T, Ashley and Aubri around, I am used to questions like "You want to go play Guitar Hero?" as opposed to my roommates favorite question "Does this shirt and skirt match?" Most of the time that I answer with "yea", because I have no clue.
Classes here are, for the moment, boring. Comparative Physiology (9am, MWF) is like AP/IB Bio but at a third of the pace, and the lab (M 1-4:50) was nothing to fascinating either. Calculus 2nd Semester is fine, a lot of review, but good (10 MWF). Chemistry will become interesting I am sure due to the ability of our teacher (11 MWF) My Chem lab (8-11:50, Tu) will also be interesting, once it gets going. My Freshman Foundations Course (TuTh 2:30) is super boring, and I can't help but check the clock every thirty seconds. I haven't made it to honors yet, but my Eng. 104 class (TuTh, 1) is AMAZING. The teacher is exactly like an IHS teacher. He started by saying "I am not doing any of this fucking bullshit with a syllabis. You have all had a class and you know how it works." Honestly it was refreshing.
Tonight I am going to hear a Holocaust survivor speak. It should be interesting. On top of that I have been running quite a bit. The store is three miles from campus and I ran there for groceries the other night. Also one of the guys who is running the Ultimate Intermural league found out my entire Ultimate History and now says that I should be considered a "Frisbee God" and has asked me to help teach other people how to play, so I suppose that my coaching career is not yet done, but to be honest I am glad.
Other than that, not much has happened. But I am sure things will get better and one day I will have good stories to tell, just like David.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Okay, so while I realize that few people will ever read this I wanted to post these links to a show that I watched at orientation. The show is called N*gger Wetb*ck Ch*nk and if you ever get the chance to see it, DO IT. Hope you like...