Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Thoughts and ideas...

Hmm, what a long day. I can't believe how everything has passed, mostly in a haze at that. I feel a little outside of my body today. I watch from this edge, begging to be pulled in yet pulled back. I have seen so much today, this week, this month this year. I guess most of you (if anyone reads this) know most of my life stories. I feel drug out, like my life is not how it is or should be. Most days I want to quit, really quit. No more frisbee, no more middle schoolers, no more science, math, econ or band. No more anything. I feel as if I were to fall into the clouds I would finally feel the peace surrounding my harsh exterior. I feel lost in this crazy sea.
Not to mention I miss my Dad. A lot. There are times that I feel like he is right there, encouraging, yet bitter at my lack of intelligent competition (too bad he didn't meet all the frisbee guys, pure genius if you ask me) I feel his gentle touch near at hand and I know that I can't ever forget him. I listen to songs that I used to love, used to sing in imaginary scenes of my mind, crying because I can't hold him. There are even those nights were I can't go to sleep, the image of his peaceful body laid in his coffin. Gone, never again. But he went peacefully, right? So why aren't I at peace? I dance of a thin blade, pleading for a gift a sign. Lost, ohh so lost.
Not all is lost however. I find that I do have friends, however far in between they may be. I know I have a supporting arm, if I were ever to be desperate and need to cling to someone else. I know that if I ever lose my composure that hides my inner weakness, I will survive, even if I am embarrassed. I also am somewhat comforted by the fact that Aubri continues to light upon a new destiny and place on the CHS frisbee team. She has worked so hard and landed with a gentle touch as the number one woman in Oregon if not the West Coast. I know most people disbelieve me as I type this. I know that I am often thought of as the best woman but that is not the truth. Collin has seen that, I believe Andrew is in denial, and Daniel won't let himself admit it because he is just too nice. Aubri is so amazing and her potential carries through everywhere. Where I break at the seems, she takes harder classes, more extra things and less hours of sleep and does better. I know I sound happy for her, but deep down, I am super jealous. She is awesome.
I guess this is kind of a long post. But I must committ what I feel to words. I must promise myself that I will think more positive, quit bragging and leave myself written reminders that while I feel like I am being sucked down a cyclone right now that the eye of the storm is the safest. Not only that but if I trust in my faith and friends I will be delieved in the end. I might be a bit more bruised and scratched, but I will be okay. Well better go.


Blogger yeon said...

Wow you are an amazing writer. I love that you can say that Aubri is better than you, or something like that, without being all cocky or sour about it. I love that about you Autumn! You are full of goodness.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You shouldn't be jealous of Aubri. You really are the best girl on the team. Your level of understanding and consistancy are far more advanced than hers. Did you ever consider the idea that maybe she does so much and occupies all her time because she is trying to make up for something she feels is missing but can't. That isn't necessarily a healthy quality to look up to. Keep your chin up because you're amazing.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You shouldn't be jealous of Aubri. You really are the best girl on the team. Your level of understanding and consistancy are far more advanced than hers. Did you ever consider the idea that maybe she does so much and occupies all her time because she is trying to make up for something she feels is missing but can't. That isn't necessarily a healthy quality to look up to. Keep your chin up because you're amazing.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You shouldn't be jealous of Aubri. You really are the best girl on the team. Your level of understanding and consistancy are far more advanced than hers. Did you ever consider the idea that maybe she does so much and occupies all her time because she is trying to make up for something she feels is missing but can't. That isn't necessarily a healthy quality to look up to. Keep your chin up because you're amazing.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


put in perspective that even if you arent the best girl on CHS you have talents, skills, experience that Aubri cant touch. Aubri is amazing yes but she cant run past everything you do. you are a really outstanding writer, you have a huge heart that can fit everyone and thing you need to in.

Autumn no one can beet you if your just yourself

-someone who cares

8:52 PM  
Blogger yeon said...

AHA Ian, this anonymous commented the same thing THREE times. so Ha!

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow you guys autumn you and aubry are both awesome. aubry is great but you shouldn't spend so much time focussing on being jealous of her, you great qualities and talents are equally amazing, and i'm really getting sick of hearing you dissing on yourself all the time, you are awesome no matter what you say i'm always gonna believe you. there are some of us out here who are completely amazed by you and want to be like you, so don't crush our dreams by saying you aren't as good as everyone else.
loves alot from some one

2:47 PM  

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